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تأليف الدكتور عبد الرحيم الشيخ محمد معصوم الخزنوي

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ألفه العالم الرباني والعارف الصمداني الشيخ شعيب أفندي بن إدريس الباكّني قدس الله سره، المتوفى 1330هـ

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سراج الطالبين في مناقب غوث الواصلين سراج الملة والدين الشيخ محمد علي الملقب بحسام الدين النقشبندي الخالدي (عراق)، معرب

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یکشنبه, 01 بهمن 1402 11:07

Masters of the Naqshbandi Way (English, Arabic)

The Golden Chain of Transmission: Masters of the Naqshbandi Way, by Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas

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كتاب في سلوك الطريقة النقشبندية، تأليف الشيخ الكامل جمال الدين الغُمُوقي الداغستاني النقشبندي الخالدي قدس الله سره (متوفى 1285هـ/1869)

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مكتوبات حضرة مولانا خالد البغدادي الكردي النقشبندي المجددي، العربية

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The Noble Qurʼān, the muṣḥaf of the qirāʼat of Imām Nāfiʻ al-Madanī.

In the Islamic world, the qirāʼat of Imām Nāfiʻ is the second most widely recited qirāʼat of the Holy Qurʼān, after that of Imām ʻĀṣim (Ḥafṣ ʻan ʻĀṣim). Particularly, the Warsh riwāyah is used as the default in the North African countries.

There are two riwāyahs of the qirāʼat of Imām Nāfiʻ, namely Qālūn and Warsh. Since Warsh is more popular, here we present it as the first, and then the Qālūn riwāyah is given.

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The Noble Qur'an, the mushaf of qirāʼat of Imām ʻĀṣim al-Asadī al-Kūfī

Out of the ten qirāʼāt of the Holy Qurān, the qirāʼat of Imām ʻĀṣim is the most widely available qirāʼat today and is read in almost all the Islamic countries (a few have other recitations).

There are two riwāyas (narrations) of this qirāʼat, which stand like two branches and have minor differences. The riwāyah of Imām Ḥafṣ, called “Ḥafṣ ʻan ʻĀṣim”, is the default riwāya. The other one is the riwāya of Imām Shuʻbah.

This article lists the links to the editions of the Holy Qurān based on these two riwāyahs.

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السلسلة الشريفة الطريقة العلية النقشبندية المجددية الطاهرية بلسان عربي مبين

Silsilah Naqshbandiyah Mujaddidiyah Tahiriyah in Arabic, published by Maktabah Mujaddidiyah.

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رشحات عنبریه، اردو مقدمه و عربی مخطوطه

مصنف: شاہ محمد مظهر مجددی فاروقی نقشبندی مهاجر مدنی

Rashahaat Anbariya, Urdu introduction and scanned Arabic manuscript of the book. Biography of Shah Ahmad Saeed Mujaddidi Madani (d.1277 AH).

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