Displaying items by tag: Suhrawardi (10 books)

سه شنبه, 04 فروردين 1394 00:00

آدابِ مریدِ کامل، اردو ترجمہ

آدابِ مریدِ کامل، اردو ترجمہ ”الانوار القدسیہ فی معرفۃِ قوائدِ صوفیۃ“

مصنف: حضرت امام عبدالوہاب شعرانی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، متوفی ۹۷۳ھ

مترجم: شیخ الحدیث مفتی محمد صدیق ہزاروی

Adaab-e Murid-e Kamil, Urdu translation of "Al-Anwaar al-Qudsiyya" by Imam Abdul Wahhab Shaarani. Guidebook for Sufi disciples.

Published in کتاب ها

احوال و آثار حضرت بہاءُ الدین زکریّا ملتانی، اردو

مصنف و مؤلف: حمید اللہ شاہ ہاشمی

تصوف فاؤنڈیشن، لاہور، 2000

Biography of Khwaja Baha'uddin Zakariya Multani Suhrawardi, Urdu

Published in کتاب ها
پنج شنبه, 05 بهمن 1391 21:54

یادگار سہروردیہ، اردو


یادگار سہروردیہ (اردو)

سہروردی سلسلہ کے مشائخ کرام کا تذکرہ

از خاور سہروردی

Biographies of the Sufi masters of the Suhrawardi tariqah.

Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 03 دی 1391 00:00

عوارف المعارف، سنڌي ترجمو


عوارف المعارف سنڌي ترجمو

تصوف جو مشهور ڪتاب عوارف المعارف

ليکڪ: حضرت شيخ عمر بن محمد شهاب الدين سهروردي

سنڌيڪار: مخدوم عبدالجبار صديقي

One of the most famous books of Tasawwuf, authored by Shaykh Umar bin Muhammad Shahabuddin Suhrawardi. 

Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 28 خرداد 1391 20:21

Khazinat-ul-Asfiya (Urdu translation) volume 4

khazinat-ul-asfiya-4Khazinat-ul-Asfiya, a collection of biographies of famous Sufi saints. More than 1000 biographies, written by Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori.

Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 28 خرداد 1391 20:21

Khazinat-ul-Asfiya (Urdu translation) volume 3


khazinat-ul-asfiya-3Khazinat-ul-Asfiya, a collection of biographies of famous Sufi saints. More than 1000 biographies, written by Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori.

Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 28 خرداد 1391 20:20

Khazinat-ul-Asfiya (Urdu translation) volume 2


khazinat-ul-asfiya-2Khazinat-ul-Asfiya, a collection of biographies of famous Sufi saints. More than 1000 biographies, written by Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori.

Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 28 خرداد 1391 20:20

Khazinat-ul-Asfiya (Urdu translation) volume 1

khazinat-ul-asfiya-1Khazinat-ul-Asfiya, a collection of biographies of famous Sufi saints. More than 1000 biographies, written by Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori.

Published in کتاب ها
جمعه, 25 آذر 1390 19:28

Adaab-ul-Muriden (Urdu translation)

Spiritual ettiquette (Adaab) for the seekers of the path of Tasawwuf

Published in کتاب ها
جمعه, 13 آبان 1390 00:00

Awarif-ul-Maarif Urdu translation

Awarif-ul-Maarif Urdu translation coverThe great book of Tasawwuf Awarif-ul-Maarif by Shaykh Umar Shahabuddin Suhrawardi

Translated in Urdu by Shams Barelvi

Includes a detailed history of the books of Tasawwuf and a biography of the author

Publisher: Progressive Books, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. 1998

776 pages in total including cover

Digitized and published electronically by Maktabah.org, November 2011


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عوارف المعارف اردو ترجمہ

مترجم حضرت شمس بریلوی

ناشر پروگریسو بکس، 1998


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