Friday, 16 December 2011 19:20

Qutb al-Irshad (Arabic)

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This is one of the best books written on Sulook and Tasawwuf written by any of the later scholars of Sufism. Some shaykhs have compared it to the books of Imam Ghazali, considering this as better than Kimya-e-Saadat. It discusses many topics in traditional Sufism and a large section is dedicated to various practices of Sufi tariqas and their chains of authorization (Isnaad).


Qutb al-Irshad قطب الارشاد

By Haji Faqir-Allah al-Alavi al-Hanafi Naqshbandi Shikarpuri (d. 1195 AH)

Published in 1316 AH (1898 CE)

Pages 664

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Haji Faqir-Allah al-Alavi al-Hanafi Naqshbandi Shikarpuri (d. 1195 AH)

حضرت الحاج فقير الله بن عبد الرحمان السندي العلوي الحنفي النقشبندي شکارپوري قدس الله سره

Hazrat Haji Faqir-Allah (Faqirullah) al-Alavi al-Hanafi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Shikarpuri was one of the greatest Sufi masters of Sindh in the 12th century Hijri (18th century CE). He was born on 2 Dhu al-Qada 1100 AH (21 March 1688 CE) in Jalalabad (modern day Afghanistan). He is Alavi by family, and his ancestrial lineage goes to Muhammad bin Hanafia, son of Imam Ali al-Murtada, may Allah be pleased with them.

He was a renowned scholar, a great Sufi master, and an author of multiple books, one of them is Qutb al-Irshad (قطب الارشاد), considered to be a masterpiece in Sufism and comparable to Kimya-e-Saadat of Imam Ghazali.

He passed away on 3 Safar 1195 AH (14 April 1779 CE) and was buried in Shikarpur, Sindh (modern day Pakistan).

Read 25269 times Last modified on Friday, 16 December 2011 19:37

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