Displaying items by tag: 911-Jalaluddin Suyuti (26)

پنج شنبه, 05 فروردين 1389 18:40

Khasayes-ul-Qubura Vol-2 by Imam Jalaluddin Shuyuti - Bengali

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Published in کتاب ها
پنج شنبه, 05 فروردين 1389 18:40

Khasayes-ul-Qubura Vol-1 by Imam Jalaluddin Shuyuti - Bengali

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What happends after death? by Jalaluddin Suyuti (Bengali)

Author: Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (and Mawlana Ashiq Ilahi)

Language: Bengali


Published in کتاب ها
یکشنبه, 03 آبان 1388 19:58

Manaqib Abu Hanifa (Suyuti) in Arabic

Manaqib Abu Hanifa

تبييض الصحيفة بمناقب ابي حنيفة

Author: Jalaluddin al-Suyuti

Language: Arabic


Praise of the life and works of Imam Abu Hanifa, the greatest Imam of Fiqh in Ahl-us-Sunnah. al-Suyuti followed Shafi Fiqh, yet he has written this book praising the works of the founder of Hanafi fiqh.


Download this book below.

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یکشنبه, 03 آبان 1388 19:22

As-Subul al-Jaliyyat Fi Aba il-Aliyya (Suyuti)

This is one of the short treatises written by the great scholar and Imam Allama Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH), describing the right belief about the parents of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that they are indeed saved and with Muslim belief.

Some of the scholars in past have cast doubt over the belief of the parents of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that whether they were Muslims or not. This doubt is due to the fact that there was no established religion before the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. Some of the Hadiths also point to the fact that they were not Muslims. But this is only a minority view in the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah. Even those who do not believe that they were Muslims, keep silent over this issue rather than saying clearly that they were Non-Muslims and are in Hell.

Imam Suyuti authored multiple short books upon this issue. These books are specially important today, as some people from the new sect of Wahhabism are openly declaring the blessed parents of the Prophet as being in Hell, a clear blasphemy against the Final Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). May Allah give peace and mercy to Imam Suyuti who has already cleared the issue by proving from the Quran and Sunnah that the blessed parents were indeed Muslim and righteous believers, and even were resurrected after death to make a belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


السبل الجلية في آباء العلية للامام السيوطي

Author: Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti

Following is the modern publication of this book. Another old version published in Hyderabad India is also attached along with the original manuscript from the King Saud University manuscripts.

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Translated by Mufti Khan Muhammad Qadri. Download from attachments.

والدین مصطفیٰ کے بارے میں صحیح عقیدہ

مصنف علامہ امام جلال الدین سیوطی

مترجم مفتی خان محمد قادری

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Tafsir al-Suyuti Title
Tafsir Suyuti: Al-Durr al-Mansur Fi al-Tafsir Bi al-Ma'sur

الدر المنثور في التفسير بالمأثور

Author: Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (d. 911 AH) الامام جلال الدين السيوطي



كتاب في تفسير كتاب الله الكريم بالمأثور جمع فيه الامام السيوطي الآثار الدالة على معاني الآيات

Download from Archive.org

Part 00 - Read / Download

Part 01p - Read / Download

Part 01 - Read / Download

Part 02 - Read / Download

Part 03 - Read / Download

Part 04 - Read / Download

Part 05 - Read / Download

Part 06 - Read / Download

Part 07 - Read / Download

Part 08 - Read / Download

Part 09 - Read / Download

Part 10 - Read / Download

Part 11 - Read / Download

Part 12 - Read / Download

Part 13 - Read / Download

Part 14 - Read / Download

Part 15 - Read / Download

Parts 16-17 - Read / Download

Urdu (اردو)

تفسیر در المنثور فی التفسیر بالماثور از علامہ امام جلال الدین سیوطی

Translators: Syed Muhammad Iqbal Shah, Muhammad Boostan, Muhammad Anwar Mughalvi

Publisher: Zia-ul-Quran Publications ضیاء القرآن پبلیکیشنز

Volume 1 - Read / Download PDF

Volume 2 - Read / Download PDF

Volume 3 - Read / Download PDF

Volume 4 - Read / Download PDF

Volume 5 - Read / Download PDF

Volume 6 - Read / Download PDF


Published in کتاب ها

المصابيح في الصلوة التراويح، العربية

مؤلف: الإمام جلال الدين السيوطي الشافعي

Al-Masabih Fi Salat at-Taraweeh, Arabic, by Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti

Published in کتاب ها
شنبه, 14 شهریور 1388 16:14

Wazaif al-Yawm wa al-Lailah

Wazaif al-Yawm wa al-Lailah

وظائف اليوم والليلة

Author: Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (امام جلال الدين السيوطي)

Language: Arabic:


Daily supplications and recitations.

Published in کتاب ها
چهارشنبه, 11 شهریور 1388 23:13

Ihya al Mayyit Bi Fadhaail Ahl-il Bayt

Ihya al Mayyit Bi Fadhaail Ahlul Bayt

احياء الميت بفضائل اهل البيت

Author: Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (امام جلال الدين السيوطي)


The book contains seventy Hadiths regarding the merits of Ahl al-Bayt, the sacred family members of our Holy Prophet s.a.w.


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چهارشنبه, 11 شهریور 1388 22:53

The Prophet's Parents are Saved

The Prophet's Parents are Saved

Title: Masalik al-Hunafa Fi Walidayy al-Mustafa

Arabic: مسالك الحنفا في والدي المصطفي

Author: Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (امام جلال الدين السيوطي)


Some Muslims today unfortunately have developed a completely wrong belief that the parents of our great Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) were not Muslims and are in Hell (may Allah save us from this blasphemous belief). Imam Suyuti describes in this book about the right belief of the blessed parents of our Prophet, collecting hundreds of proofs from Quran, Hadith and quotes of scholars. May Allah santify the soul of Imam Suyuti for writing this great book.


مسالك الحنفا في والدي المصطفي للامام جلال الدين السيوطي


An abridged English translation is attached below in the Downloads.



حضور کے والدین بارے اسلاف کا مذہب

مصنف امام جلال الدین سیوطی، مترجم مفتی خان محمد قادری

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