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احوال و اقوال شیخ ابو الحسن خرقانی، فارسی

اقوال اهل تصوف دربارۀ او

Ahwal wa Aqwal Shaykh Abul Hasan Kharaqani (Farsi). Based on the rare manuscript Nur ul-Uloom found in London.

Published in Books
Wednesday, 25 March 2015 00:00

انوارِ معصومیہ، اردو

انوارِ معصومیہ، اردو

مصنف: سید زوار حسین شاہ نقشبندی

ناشر: ادارۂ مجددیہ، ناظم آباد، کراچی، پاکستان

Anwaar-e Masoomiya, Urdu, by Sayyid Zawwar Husain Shah Naqshbandi, published 1980. Biography of Khwaja Muhammad Masoom Faruqi Sirhindi.

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جامی (اردو)

مکمل سوانح حیات حضرت مولانا عبدالرحمٰن جامی نقشبندی قدس سرہ

مصنف: علی اصغر حکمت

ترجمہ و تحقیق: عارف نوشاہی

اشاعت: ۲۰۱۲ء

صفحات: ۵۰۶


Published in Books

عمدۃ السلوک اردو از سید زوار حسین شاہ نقشبندی

1973 ایڈیشن

Umdat-us-Sulook (Urdu) is a book about the Sulook and Tariqat of Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Sufi order. Written by Sayyid Zawwar Hussain Shah Naqshbandi (1911-1980).

Published in Books

Sindhi translation added.

Zubdat-ul-Fiqh (Urdu) is one of the best books to learn Hanafi Fiqh. It is a summarized version of Umdat-ul-Fiqh which contains details and proofs as well. It is written in Urdu by Sayyid Zawwar Hussain Shah Naqshbandi Hanafi (1911-1980).

Published in Books
Thursday, 02 June 2011 22:27

عمدۃ السلوک، اردو، 2009

Umdat-us-Sulook (Urdu) is a book about the Sulook and Tariqat of Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Sufi order. Written by Sayyid Zawwar Hussain Shah Naqshbandi (1911-1980).

Digitized by (June 2011)

Published in Books
Friday, 07 January 2011 21:06

Writings of Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti

This is a list of all the writings of Jalaluddin Suyuti with brief introductory notes and links to those writings on the Internet.

Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (849-911 A.H.) was one of the greatest scholars of Islam, a great Muhaddith, a Faqih of Shafi'i school, and a writer with hundreds of written works. Most of his works are still available today and widely read, published and translated.

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al-Munqidh min al-Dalal (Rescuer from Misguidance) {المنقذ من الضلال}

By Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (450-505 AH)

One of the most famous works of al-Ghazali. Considered to be an autobiography.



  • De redder uit de dwaling, Uit het Arabisch vertaald en tocgelicht door Prof. Dr J. H. Kramers. A Dutch (Holland/Netherlands) Translation. (pdf).


  • Watt's Translation. (London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1967) Also Available in (PDF)
  • McCarthy, R. J. Freedom and fulfillment : an annotated translation of Al-Ghazalis al-Munqidh min al-dalal and other relevant works of al-Ghazali by Richard Joseph McCarthy. (Boston:Twayne Publishers, c1980). (one of these days!)


  • Published by Hakikat Kitabevi (Turkey). Download from attachments.


  • Ghazâlî, Abû-Hâmid Muhammad ibn-Muhammad al-: Der Erretter aus dem Irrtum (Al-Munqidh min ad-dalâl). Aus d. Arab. übers., mit e. Einl., mit Anm. u. Indices hrsg. v. 'Abû Elhamîd Elschazlî. Hamburg: Meiner 1988 (Philosophische Bibliothek; Bd. 389). (German pdf)



  • Download from attachments.




  • Khair al-maqal fi tarjamat al-munqidh min al-dalal. Translation and commentary by Muwalwi Syed Mumtaz Ali (Urdu, PDF)

Other Translations

  • Malay: Selamat dari kesesatan tr. Asiah Ali; Kuala Lumpur: Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, 1983
Published in Books
Thursday, 25 December 2008 16:56

Mercy Oceans (English)


Title: Mercy Oceans

Author: Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani al-Qibrisi

Language: English

Genre: Sunni, Sufi

Publisher: Spohr Publishers Limited, Larnaca, Cyprus


Teachings of Mevlana Sheikh Abdullah ad-Daghestani an-Naqshbandi, written lectures delivered in 1400 H. (1980 A.D) collected by Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani

Mercy Oceans (English)





Published in Books
Thursday, 04 December 2008 00:00

The Hundred Letters

The Hundred Letters (Maktubat-e-Sadi)

Author: Shaikh Sharf Ad-Din Ahmed Yahya Muneeri (quddis sirrah)

Description: Letters of Shaikh Sharf Ad-Din Yahya Muneeri (quddis sirrah)

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