Displaying items by tag: belief

الثلاثاء, 13 أيلول/سبتمبر 2011 17:32

Troens søyler (Pillars of Iman) Norwegian

This book describes the basic Islamic beliefs, including belief in one God, belief in His Prophets, Angels, Scriptures and the Hereafter, and belief in fate.


Published in كتب
الخميس, 21 تشرين1/أكتوير 2010 20:20

Parents of the Prophet are in Jannah - by Imam Suyuti

This is one of the short treatises written by the great scholar and Imam Allama Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH), describing the right belief about the parents of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that they are indeed saved and in Jannah.

Some of the scholars in past have cast doubt over the belief of the parents of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that whether they were Muslims or not. This doubt is due to the fact that there was no established religion before the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. Some of the Hadiths also point to the fact that they were not Muslims. But this is only a minority view in the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah. Even those who do not believe that they were Muslims, keep silent over this issue rather than saying clearly that they were Non-Muslims and are in Hell.

Imam Suyuti authored multiple short books upon this issue. These books are specially important today, as some people from the new sect of Wahhabism are openly declaring the blessed parents of the Prophet as being in Hell, a clear blasphemy against the Final Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). May Allah give peace and mercy to Imam Suyuti who has already cleared the issue by proving from the Quran and Sunnah that the blessed parents were indeed Muslim and righteous believers, and even were resurrected after death to make a belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


التعظيم والمنة في ان ابوي رسول الله في الجنة للامام جلال الدين السيوطي

تحقيق و تعليق محمد زينهم محمد عزب

Part of the attached book Masaalik al-Hunafa


حضور کے والدین جنتی ہیں، اردو ترجمہ از مفتی خان محمد قادری

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Published in كتب
الخميس, 25 آذار/مارس 2010 18:56

Iman and Islam by Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi - Albanian

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Published in كتب
الثلاثاء, 23 شباط/فبراير 2010 13:07

بزرگوں کے عقیدے، اردو

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Beliefs of Ancesters (بزرگوں کے عقیدے) - Urdu

Compiled by Mawlana Jalaluddin Ahmed Amjadi


Published in كتب
الجمعة, 25 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 13:59

Belief and Islam (Russian) Всем Нужная Вера

Belief and Islam (Russian) Всем Нужная Вера

Author: Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi (Baghdad Mevlyana Xalidom )

Language: Russian


В этой книге описывается хадис-и шериф пророка Мухаммеда   “алейхисселям”, который объясняет о вере и об исламе, а также об условиях веры, об условиях ислама и о качествах Аллаху Теаля.

This is a book about basic creed of Ahl-us-Sunnah, and describes the Hadith-e-Jibreel of the Prophet.


Published in كتب
الأربعاء, 09 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 22:31

صحيح عقيدا، سنڌي

Sahih Aqida (Sindhi) - صحيح عقيدا

Author: Allama Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi (علامه محمد حسن جان سرهندي)

Language: Sindhi (سنڌي)

Published in كتب
الأحد, 06 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 00:00

GLAUBE UND ISLAM (Belief and Islam) - German

This book, written by Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi, describes the basic beliefs and practices of Islam, with a description of Hadith-e-Jibreel, the famous Hadith quoted by Hazrat Umar.

Published in كتب
الجمعة, 04 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 21:01

Foi Et Islam (Belief and Islam) - Khalid al-Baghdadi - French

Dans ce livre, écrit par Hadrat Mavlana Halid-i Baghdadi,le grand wali et l’un des grands savants de l’Islam, vécu pendant la règne de Sultan Mahmud Khan et intitulé “I’tikadnama”, on explique les “ cinq conditions de l’Islam “et “six conditions de la foi”, essentielles de l’İslam.

Published in كتب
الجمعة, 04 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 20:45

Belief and Islam by Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi (Bulgarian language)

Belief and Islam

Author: Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi Naqshbandi

Language: Bulgarian

Published in كتب
الجمعة, 04 كانون1/ديسمبر 2009 20:30

Way to Faith - Hungarian

Way to Faith

Language: Hungarian

Published in كتب
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