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الجمعة, 04 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2011 20:18

ذڪر جي فضيلت ۽ طريقو، سنڌي

ذڪر جي فضيلت ۽ طريقو، سنڌي

ليکڪ فقير الله ورايو سڪندري

Zikr Ji Fazeelat Aeen Tariqo - Sindhi

(Merits and virtues of Zikr/Dhikr)

Author: Faqir Allah Warayo Sikandari

Publisher: Sikandariya Publications, Pir Jo Goth, Sindh, 2008

Published in كتب

Malfuzat volume 2 sindhi

ملفوظات حضرت پير سائين محمد راشد روزي ڌڻي رحمة الله عليه

ليکڪ عارف بالله حضرت خليفو محمود فقير نظاماڻي رحمة الله عليه

مترجم جلد ٻيو مفتي در محمد سڪندري

ڇپيندڙ سڪندريه پبليڪيشنز، پير جو ڳوٺ

Malfuzat sharif of Hazrat Pir Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Qadri Naqshbandi alias Hazrat Pir Rozay Dhani (d.1233 AH/1818), founder of the Pir Pagara line of pirs. These malfuzat (speeches) are a classical writing in itself, and have been one of the major sources of spiritual inspiration for the seekers of Tasawwuf in Sindh. Pir Muhammad Raashid was one of the greatest Sufi masters of Sindh throughout history, and his spiritual mission spread to many other parts of India.

Published in كتب

Malfuzat volume 1sindhi

ملفوظات حضرت پير سائين محمد راشد روزي ڌڻي رحمة الله عليه

ليکڪ عارف بالله حضرت خليفو محمود فقير نظاماڻي رحمة الله عليه

مترجم جلد اول مفتي محمد قاسم مشوري

ڇپيندڙ سڪندريه پبليڪيشنز، پير جو ڳوٺ

Malfuzat sharif of Hazrat Pir Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Qadri Naqshbandi alias Hazrat Pir Rozay Dhani (d.1233 AH/1818), founder of the Pir Pagara line of pirs. These malfuzat (speeches) are a classical writing in itself, and have been one of the major sources of spiritual inspiration for the seekers of Tasawwuf in Sindh. Pir Muhammad Raashid was one of the greatest Sufi masters of Sindh throughout history, and his spiritual mission spread to many other parts of India.


Published in كتب
الثلاثاء, 13 أيلول/سبتمبر 2011 17:22

Al-Ihsan (Norwegian)

A book concerning the Islamic spirituality and science of Sufism which is also called Ihsan or Tazkiya.

Publisher: Noor 92 Publications


Published in كتب

The renowned scholar and Sufi master, the late Dr Martin Lings (Shaykh Abu Bakr Siraj ad-Din) was working on a full translation of the Qur’an when he passed away last year. His translations of verses from the Qur’an were extracted from these previously unpublished writings, and from all his other publications, both books and articles. Among the translations are the all-important first chapter of the Qur’an (al-Fatihah); the Verse of Light (Ayat al-Nur); verses from the Chapter entitled Ya Sin which is regarded as ‘the heart of the Qur’an’; numerous verses from seventy-six other Chapters; and full translations of nine of the short Chapters at the end of the Qur’an including the often-repeated last three Chapters. Occasionally, Dr Lings translated a particular verse in more than one way; all the different versions have been retained. On the one hand, this is a reflection of the fact that there can never be a definitive translation of the sacred text; and, on the other hand, this brings out the multiple meanings that may exist in one verse. In addition, there is an appendix of Dr Lings’ translation of the Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God with the original Arabic. The Holy Qur’an: Translations of Selected Verses is a short and accessible introduction to the Qur’an with the additional benefits of the profound learning of a best-selling author and the beautiful language of a published poet. This translation emphasises the spirituality at the heart of the Qur’an and its universal message; and, on a personal note, the choice of verses used by Dr Lings in his own daily prayers. Will be of interest to all those who wish to read the Qur’an, to non-Arabic speaking Muslims, to students of Arabic, to those working on translation from Arabic, and to all admirers of the writings of the late Dr Martin Lings.

About the Author

Dr. Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Siraj ad Din) passed away on 11 May 2005. He is best known for his English language biography of the Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources.

He was born in Lancashire in 1909. He received his degree in English at Oxford in 1932, and became a Lecturer in Anglo-Saxon at the University of Kaunas. In 1939, he went to Egypt to study Islam and Arabic, and converted to Islam. The following year he was given a lectureship in Cairo University. He returned to the UK in 1952, and got a degree in Arabic from London University. He was a student and friend of C.S. Lewis, and in turn, became a teacher and friend to Le Gai Eaton.

From 1970-74 he was Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books at the British Museum where he had been in special charge of the Qur'an manuscripts, amongst other treasures, since 1955. Besides being a well respected biographer and a translator and author of texts about Sufism, Dr. Lings was a modern day authority on William Shakespeare. During Autumn 2004, he put forth his thesis that Shakespeare may have been influenced by Sufism.


Published in كتب
الخميس, 11 آب/أغسطس 2011 17:14

Tafsir al-Tustari English translation

Tafsir al-Tustari

by Sahl bin Abd-Allah al-Tustari

A collection of the long-unavailable tafasir, or commentaries on the Qur'an, which help to properly explain and contextualize the revelation, this series aims to make leading exegetical works—in translation, unabridged, and faithful to the letter and meaning of the Arabic—widely available for study and research. The earliest surviving Sufi commentary on the Qur'an, this record is not only one of the few authenticated works in Tustari's name but is also a key source for understanding the mystical thought and teachings of this important and influential Sufi. In addition to insights into the spiritual significance of almost 1,000 verses of the Qur'an, this commentary, presented in complete English translation for the first time, includes numerous references to traditions of the Prophet, explanations of the ethical and mystical dimensions of the religious life, stories of the prophets, and anecdotes about earlier mystics. Generously augmented with explanatory footnotes throughout, the book will provide readers with an invaluable introduction to the Sufi tradition of Qur'anic interpretation and acquaint them with spiritual doctrines fundamental to the later development of Sufism.

About the Translators

Annabel Keeler obtained her doctorate from Cambridge University in 2001. Her dissertation, revised and expanded, was published in 2006 under the title "Sufi Hermeneutics: The Qur'an Commentary of Rashid al-Din Maybudi." She recently completed a research fellowship at Wolfson College, Cambridge, where she now continues her work in the field of Islamic mysticism with a particular interest in the Sufi interpretation of the Qur'an. Apart from her book on Maybudi's Qur'an commentary, she has published a number of articles in the field of Islamic mysticism and Sufi hermeneutics. She is currently preparing a monograph of the 9th Century mystic Abu Yazid al-Bistami.

Ali Keeler has spent almost ten years in the Middle East, firstly in the Yemen and then in Damascus, where as well as teaching English, he has studied Arabic, the art of Qur'anic recitation, aspects of the traditional Islamic sciences, and has read through several classic works of Islamic mysticism with living Sufi masters. He has translated a number of books into English, including "Selected Prayers of the Prophet Muhammad and Great Saints" and "A Tourist Guide to Craq de Chevalier."



Published in كتب

Irfān-ul-Qur'ān, a comprehensive and self-sufficient translation of the Holy Quran in modern salees Urdu, by Shaykh al-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, that saves the common reader from consulting any Tafsir books.

A high quality pdf version is now made available by for reading on your computer or smartphone.


Download 250mb, 1048 pages

Download with Hindi script, 550mb



Published in كتب
الأربعاء, 29 حزيران/يونيو 2011 20:57

Islam to the Modern Mind

Title:    Islam to the Modern Mind

Author: Dr Moulana Muhammad Fazl ur Rahman Ansari al-Qadri (RA)


This is a collection of lectures delivered in the 1970's by Dr Moulana Muhammad Fazl ur Rahman Ansari al-Qadri, an unparalleled intellectual giant of his time - known for his unique mastery of both classical theology as well as contemporary science. This book, available for the first time ever online by consent of the compiler Mr. Mahdie Kriel - to whom we humbly express our heartfelt gratutide - is a must read for modern seekers of the Truth!

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Published in كتب
الثلاثاء, 21 حزيران/يونيو 2011 00:00

تذڪره خلفاء غفاريه، سنڌي

تذڪره خلفاء غفاريه، سنڌي

مصنف پير ڪرم الله الاهي نقشبندي

سنڌ جي عظيم صوفي بزرگ حضرت خواجه عبدالغفار نقشبندي فضلي رحمتپوري المعروف پير مٺا سائين جن جي هڪ سؤ کان وڌيڪ خليفن جا احوال

Tazkirah Khulafa-e-Ghaffaria, written in Sindhi by Pir Karam-Allah Ilahi alias Dilbar Saeen, contains biographies of all known Khulafa and deputies of great Naqshbandi saint Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar Fazali Naqshbandi alias Pir Mitha Saeen. This is a great research work by the author who has documented lives of more than a hundred khulafa of Hazrat Pir Mitha and many of their deputies.

Published in كتب
الثلاثاء, 21 حزيران/يونيو 2011 19:16

ملفوظات غفاري، سنڌي

سنڌ جي عظيم صوفي بزرگ حضرت خواجه عبدالغفار نقشبندي فضلي رحمتپوري المعروف پير مٺا سائين جا ملفوظات شريف

ليکڪ خليفو سعد الله سومرو

Malfuzat of Hazrat Khwaja Pir Mitha Saeen, written by Khalifa Saadullah Soomro (in Sindhi).

Published in كتب
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