کتاب ها - مکتبه مجددیه

کتاب ها (1233)

Confessions of a British spy who worked in the Islamic countries to destroy Islamic beliefs and helped start the Wahhabi sect.

Describes the fall of Islamic caliphate and the rise of Wahhabiya by the British, as disclosed by a British spy.

اصول الرشاد لمقع مبانی الفساد

مصنف علامہ مولانا نقی علی خان (والد امام احمد رضا خان بریلوی)

Usul ar-Rashaad Li-Maq'a Mabani al-Fasaad

By Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (father of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan)

This is a really valuable book in which the father of the great Imam, who himself was a leading scholar of the time, has discussed the problems with the Deobandi school of thought in light of the earlier scholars and their works. This is a masterpiece of later day Islamic theology.

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Al-Minhat al-Wahbiyat Fi Ridd al-Wahabiyyat (المنحة الوهبية في رد الوهابية)

Author: Shaikh Dawood Bin Suleman Baghdadi Naqshbandi Khalidi

Language: Arabic


Usool al-Arba fi Tardid al-Wahabiya

الاصول الاربعة في ترديد الوهابية

Author: Maulana Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi

Language: Persian


A book written to clarify the falsehood of Wahhabi beliefs or the Wahhabism.


Read Online at Hakikat Kitabevi


چهارشنبه, 24 آذر 1389 00:00

Ulama al-Muslimeen wa Jahalat al-Wahabiyyen (Arabic)

Written by

This book contains five different writings about the true beliefs of Ahl as-Sunnah, by some of the highly respected Sunni scholars. It includes two writings by al-Shaarani and al-Nabahani, and the Aqaid Nasafiyya, the most famous treatise on Sunni beliefs. It also includes a translation of a letter of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, and a short risalah of Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi regarding the validity of the practice of Rabita in Sufism.

Fasl-ul-Khitab (Urdu) by Maulana Fazl-e-Rasool Qadri Badayuni

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اثباتِ تصورِ شیخ، اردو

مصنف: حضرت سید محمد امین آلومہاری نقشبندی مجددی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ

ناشر: اللہ والے کی قومی دکان، لاہور

Ithbat-e Tasawwur-e Shaykh, Urdu. Proofs for the validity of the practice of Rabita in the Naqshbandi tariqa.

یکشنبه, 29 دی 1387 14:02



Refutation of the Rawafidh (Shiaism)

Author: Hadhrat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Thani

Language: Urdu

Pages: 63

This is one of the earliest books written against the false beliefs of Shia sect, who slander the great Sahaba and Ahl-al-Bait of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), written by the greatest Imam of 2nd millenium of Islam Hazrat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi Faruqi.

Read in Bosnian


مقاماتِ عثمانیہ، اردو

ترتیب و ترجمہ: محمد سعد سراجی بابا نقشبندی

Maqamat-i-Usmania, Urdu. Biography of Khwaja Muhammad Usman Damani Naqshbandi (d.1314 AH).

دوشنبه, 18 خرداد 1394 00:00

لوایح خانقاه مظهریه، فارسی

Written by

لوایح خانقاه مظهریه، فارسی

مکتوبات مدرسۀ دیر، خانقاه ملا نسیم، اوچ، دیر، پاکستان

A rare collection of letters and correspondence (Persian) between followers/murids of Mirza Mazhar Jan-i-Janan Dahlawi (d.1195 AH).

تذکرة المعیاد، فارسی

علامات قیامت و حشر و نشر

تالیف: علامه قاضی ثناء الله پانی پتی عثمانی نقشبندی حنفی قدس اللہ سرہ، متوفی 1225 هجری

A writing about signs of Qiyamat in Persian. By Qadi Thanaullah Panipati Naqshbandi (d.1225 AH). Published in 1863, 61 pages.

القعل وفهم القرآن، العربية

للإمام الحارث بن اسد المحاسبي، المتوفي 243هه

Al-Aql wa Fahm-ul-Quran, Arabic, 532 pages, by the great saint and Sufi Harith ibn Asad Muhasibi (d.243 AH).

كتاب العلم، العربية

للإمام الحارث بن اسد المحاسبي قدس الله سره، المتوفي 243هه

Kitab-ul-Ilm, Arabic, 166 pages, by the great saint and Sufi master Harith ibn Asad Muhasibi (d.243 AH).

شاہ غلام علی دہلوی مجددی کے ملفوظات کا ایک نودریافت مجموعہ

اردو تعارف کے ساتھ ملفوظات کے خطی نسخہ کا عکس دیا گیا ہے۔

A newly discovered (short) collection of malfuzat (speeches) of Shah Ghulam Ali Dahlawi Mujaddidi (d.1240 AH). Urdu introduction and scanned images of the manuscript.

مجموعۂ رسائل سلوک طریقه نقشبندیه، فارسی

۱۔ مراتب الوصول، از شاہ رؤف احمد رافت مجددی قدس الله سره

۲۔ رساله سلوک طریقه نقشبندیه مجددیه، از شاه غلام علی دهلوی مجددی قدس الله سره

۳۔ وصیت نامه خواجه عبدالخالق غجدوانی قدس الله سره

Three treatiese on the Sulook (spiritual path) of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Order.

السیف المسلول، اردو ترجمہ

شیعہ اثنا عشریہ کے باطل عقائد کے رد میں لکھی جانی والی ایک بہترین کتاب

تالیف: علامہ قاضی محمد ثناء اللہ پانی پتی قدس اللہ سرہ

As-Saif al-Maslool, Urdu translation, by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati Naqshbandi (d.1225 AH). Refutation of the Twelver Shia sect.

زُبَدُ خلاصةِ التصوف، العربية

المسمّى بحل الرموز ومفاتيح الكنوز

تاليف: الإمام العز بن عبد السلام قدس الله روحه، المتوفي 660 هجرية

Zubadu Khulasat-ut-Tasawwuf, Arabic, 195 pages, by Imam Izz ibn Abdis-Salam (d.660 AH), a great scholar and jurist who was a disciple of Imam Abul-Hasan Shadhili.

رتبة الحیات، فارسی

از خواجه ابو یعقوب یوسف بن ایوب همدانی قدس الله سره، متوفی 535 هجری

Rutbat'ul Hayat (stages of life), Farsi, by Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani (d.535 AH).

حقیقت الاسلام، فارسی

تالیف علامه قاضی ثناء الله پانی پتی عثمانی نقشبندی حنفی قدس اللہ سرہ، متوفی 1225 هجری

Haqiqat-ul-Islam, Farsi, by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati Naqshbandi (d.1225 AH), published 1849.

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