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Books (1233)

Sunday, 16 August 2009 10:19

Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Khurd)

Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Khurd)

کلید التوحید (خرد)

Author: Hazrat Sultan Bahu

Language: Urdu


This book sheds light on the importance and need of going closer and closer to The True Being, Allah and on the identification of a saint. The destiny of every human being including all divine beings has already been categorized, on the very first day the soul is created into the ones who will love Allah and into those who will love this materialistic world. Hadrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (R.A) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.

Sunday, 16 August 2009 10:14

Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Kalan)

Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Kalan)

کلید التوحید (کلان)

Author: Hazrat Sultan Bahu

Language: Urdu


The internal divine experiences have found mention in this book. The time span of the end of this universal show has been mentioned. Special teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahu (R.A) have been explained. The identification of ego and arrogance has been explained. The little known fact about all the worldly and spiritual treasures residing in one's own body (self) is also mentioned in detail. The devotee realizes it only when he exhibits sincerity and devotion and as a result divine grace is showered on him.

Sunday, 16 August 2009 10:10

Noor-ul-Huda (Kalan)

Noor-ul-Huda (Kalan)

نور الہدیٰ (کلان)

Author: Hazrat Sultan Bahu

Language: Urdu

Translator: Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri


This is translation by Hadrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (R.A). The divine names of Allah, can completely merge the devotee with Allah in no time. Till now only Hadrat Sultan bahu (R.A) has fully explained the complete science behind the spiritual significance of thirty holy syllables. The spiritual eminence of the Qadri order is explained. All the orders of Sufism directly or indirectly get their share of spiritual wealth from most celebrated king of spirituality Ghous-e-Pak Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A).

Kanz-ul-Anwar (Aql-e-bedar)

کنز الانوار (عقل بیدار)

Author: Hazrat Sultan Bahu

Language: Urdu


This book is a collection of gems written by Hadrat Sultan Bahu (R.A) on FAQR. It is well translated and explained by Hadrat Faqir Noor Muhammed Kulachvi (R.A). This book is of paramount importance for every sincere seeker. This treasure covers sufism with all the relevant dimensions, and dispenses extremely useful information for every student of sufism.

Bilugat al-Quran (بلغات القرآن)

Author: Maulana Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi Faruqi

Language: Persian (فارسی)


Biography of Hazrat Pir Fazal Ali Qureshi

(rahmatullah alaihe)

Language: Urdu

Author: Maolana Habib Al-Rahman Gabol Tahiri



Saturday, 18 July 2009 12:23

Sawaneh Ghaus-e-Azam (Urdu)

Written by

Sawanah Ghaus-e-Azam

Language: Urdu (اردو)

Author: Allama Faiz Ahmed Owaisi

Pages: 46

Format: PDF


Biography of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadri Jilani (rahmatullah alaih)


Tareeq an-Najat (طريق النجاة)

Author: Maulana Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi

Language: Arabic, Urdu

Published in Arabic: Hakikat Kitabevi


The book describes the method of salvation and success for a Muslim, including explanation of basic beliefs and spiritual practices.


Imam Abu Hanifa

(Biography of the greatest Imam of Fiqh, Imam Abu Hanifa)

Author: Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi

Language: Arabic



Title: Tazkirah Sulaha

Author: Maulana Muhammad Hasan Jan Sirhindi Mujaddidi

Language: Urdu

Translator: Shaykh Abdul Rahim Kalkata-Wale

Genre: Sunni

Pages: 84



This book describes the short biographies of some great pious people and Awliya-Allah, with whom the author met in his life.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008 22:46

Bird Parliament (Mantiq at-Tair)

Title Bird Parliament
Original Title Mantiq at-Tair
Original Language
Author Farid ad-Din Attar


Arabic (العربية)

  • Translator: Dr. Badi' Muhammad Jum'a
    Download from the attachments below.



  • Translator: Edward FitzGerald
    Download from the attachments below.

Persian (فارسی)


Saturday, 01 August 2009 23:00

Rawzat al-Uqala

Rawzat al-Uqala wa Nuzhat al-Fuzala

روضة العقلاء ونزهة الفضلاء

Author: Hafiz Ibn Hibban al-Basti (الحافظ ابي حاتم محمد بن حبان)

Language: Arabic


روضة العقلاء ونزهة الفضلاء" كتاب في الوعظ والتذكير، ويحتوي على ما يحتاجه العقلاء من عظات، وعلى ما يمكن للعالم إذا قام به أن يفوق أقرانه في العلم، كما وفي الكتاب تعريف بالخصال التي يجب على العاقل أن يتحلى بها، وأخرى يجب أن يبتعد عنها لأنها مذمومة، وفيه أيضا ذكر على وجوب ولزوم التوضيح وحث على زيادة الإخوان وإكرامهم، وحث على مجانية الحرص للعاقل، وزجر عن التجسس وسوء الظن، وعن الكراهية والمعاداة للناس، وعن استجاب إفشاء السلام للمرء، واستحباب التحبب إلى الناس من غير مقارنة المأثم، واستحباب التفريج عن الناس بقضاء الحوائج، وذكر للزم العقل والصلاح، وتوضيح لائتلاف الناس واختلافهم وصنوفهم.

ولما كان هذا الكتاب من أهم الكتب التي جاءت بالوعظ والإرشاد فقد اهتم بتحقيقه وبتخريج متنه وبشرح معانيه ومصطلحاته وبالتقديم لنبذة عرفت بالمؤلف وبالكتاب


raudhatul 'uqala -ibnu hibban


Al-Durrah al-Fakhirah

Author: Mawlana Abdur Rahman Jami

Language: Arabic

الدرة الفاخرة
الشيخ عبد الرحمن جامي


الدره الفاخره

Naqd al-Nushush fi Syarhi al-Naqsy al-Fushush - Abdurrahman Jami

نقد النصوص في شرح نقش الفصوص
عبد الرحمن جامي

Author: Mawlana Abdur Rahman Jami

Language: Arabic

كتاب مهم من كتب التصوف وهو ملخص لكتاب الفصوص للشيخ الأكبر محي الدين ابن عربي. وهذا الكتاب كغيره من كتب التصوف تساعد المريد على الإطلاع على الأحوال والمقامات التي يمر بها السالك إلى الله، وتساعده في الإطلاع على الحكم والقواعد الصوفية التي يستلهم منها كيفية التحقق بأحكام مقام الإسلام وأنوار مقام الإيمان وأسرار مقام الإحسان

نقد النصوص - جامي

Nafahat al-Uns min Hadhraat al-Quds

Author: Mawlana Abdur Rahman Jami

Language: Arabic

نفحات الأنس من حضرات القدس
ابي البركات عبد الرحمن الجامي


نفحات الأنس من حضرات القدس - ابي البركات عبد الرحمن الجامي
Wednesday, 29 July 2009 18:19


Kashf-ul-Israr (کشف الاسرار)

Author: Data Ganj Bakhsh

Pages: 7

Language: Urdu


Wednesday, 29 July 2009 09:05


Title: Al-Majrohin ()

Language: Arabic

Author: Hafiz Muhammad Ibn Hibban Al-Basti


Sunday, 15 February 2009 17:03

Khatam Al-Awliya (Arabic)

Written by

Khatam Al-Awliya (ختم الاولياء)

Author: Imam Hakeem Tirmidhi

Language: Arabic


Wednesday, 24 December 2008 14:37

Fatawa Hindiya (Urdu)

Written by


Title: Fatawa Hindiya

Author: Syed Amir Ali

Language: Urdu

Genre: Sunni, Hanafi

Souce: Million Books Project, Internet Archive

Description: Urdu translation of the famous Fatawa book "Fatawa Alamgeeriya".




Thursday, 18 December 2008 10:09

Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq

Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq
المصنف لعبد الرزاق
Abd Al-Razzaq (aslo: Abdur Razzaq) أبو بكر عبد الرزاق بن همام الصنعاني
Arabic (العربية)



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