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Books (1233)

Title:    Islam to the Modern Mind

Author: Dr Moulana Muhammad Fazl ur Rahman Ansari al-Qadri (RA)


This is a collection of lectures delivered in the 1970's by Dr Moulana Muhammad Fazl ur Rahman Ansari al-Qadri, an unparalleled intellectual giant of his time - known for his unique mastery of both classical theology as well as contemporary science. This book, available for the first time ever online by consent of the compiler Mr. Mahdie Kriel - to whom we humbly express our heartfelt gratutide - is a must read for modern seekers of the Truth!

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Umdat-ul-Fiqh (Urdu) is a book containing detailed Hanafi Fiqh of the basic five pillars of Islam, i.e., Beliefs, Taharat and Prayer, Zakat, Sawm (Roza) and Hajj. Written by Sayyid Zawwar Hussain Shah Naqshbandi (d.1981).

Sharah Awrad al-Bahaiya (published cirka 1900) is an old book containing very valuable and important Wada'if (recitals) of great Sufi shaykhs. This includes exegesis on the Wada'if by Imam Abu Saeed Muhammad al-Khadimi (1113-1176 AH) of Turkey, a famous Naqshbandi shaykh. This is the first volume only.

Digitized by (April 2011)

Pengurusan Marah: Perspektif Islam (Anger Management: Islamic Perspective)

Language: Malay

Author: Abu Nasih al-Kansariyy

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Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:09

Al-Fath ar-Rabbani

Written by

Al-Fath ar-Rabbani (الفتح الرباني)

Speeches of the famous shaikh Hazrat Abdul Qadir al-Jeelani (rahmatullah alaih)

Language: Arabic




English Translation


Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:04

Futuh al-Ghaib

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Futuh al-Ghaib

Speeches of the famous shaikh Hazrat Abdul Qadir al-Jeelani

(rahmatullah alaih)

Book Name: Futuh al-Ghaib
Language: Arabic


English Translation

Urdu Translation


This is a list of all the writings of Jalaluddin Suyuti with brief introductory notes and links to those writings on the Internet.

Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (849-911 A.H.) was one of the greatest scholars of Islam, a great Muhaddith, a Faqih of Shafi'i school, and a writer with hundreds of written works. Most of his works are still available today and widely read, published and translated.

This is one of the best Sufi books, written by the lord of saints Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. Originally written in Arabic, this has been translated in various languages as Urdu and English.

A great book about Tasawwuf and Tazkia and life hereafter by the great Imam Nasr bin Muhammad Abu al-Laith Samarqandi (d. 373 A.H).

Saturday, 25 December 2010 10:46

Tuhfat as-Sufiyah or Adab-e-Shaykh (Urdu)

Written by

This is a collection of short writings of famous Shaykhs about the Adab-e-Shaykh or the ettiquette for a murid or disciple in the path of Tasawwuf.

Tafsir Naeemi title

Tafsir-e-Naeemi Urdu تفسير نعيمي

Author: Ahmed Yar Khan Naeemi (مفتی احمد یار خان نعیمی)

Tafsir-e-Naeemi is one of the best and largest Tafsirs written originally in Urdu language. It is written as a separate volume for each Para, upto 18 paras (sections) of the Holy Quran. Mufti Ahmed Yar was a great scholar of Ahl-as-Sunnah and an author of many books. His works are highly sought after and most read.

Keeping in view the large number of requests by visitors, we are pleased to announce that we have prepared pdf files for 16 volumes of this beautiful Tafsir. Now you can download them as pdf from the attachments. The source scanned editions are found at:

We are sorry to say that the quality of digitization is rather bad, and we regret that most of the digitized Islamic books are available in low qualities. Therefore, we request all those who are engaged in this work, that the books must be scanned in high quality with proper checking (as many pages contain scanning errors, or are completely missing sometimes). Once a book appears online, it must be a complete digital copy of the original instread of just a glimpse. has started its own digitization work and soon insha Allah many valuable Islamic books will be made online in better quality.

Thursday, 18 December 2008 09:41

Musnad Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

New: added Urdu translation.

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal is one of the earliest collections of Hadith by the great Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (164-241 A.H), the Imam of the Hanbali madhhab.

The Sunni Path is a book in the refutation of Wahhabiya published by Hakikat Kitabevi Turkey in multiple languages.

Thursday, 16 December 2010 12:06

Iman i Islam (Bosnian)

Iman and Islam is a famous book of basic beliefs of Islam, written by the great saint and Naqshbandi shaykh Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi who spread the Naqshbandi sufi order in the Middle East and Arabia.

This book Hadiyyat al-Mahdiyyeen (Gift of the Guided) is written by an Ottoman Muslim scholar Yusuf bin Junaid al-Rumi al-Hanafi (died in 902 A.H), explaining the sins and actions that lead to Kufr (disbelief). It is accompanied by four other short books written by famous scholars against the Qadiani sect and their disbelief.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009 07:54

Aayat Bayyinat (Urdu)


Author: Sayyad Muhammad Mehdi Ali Khan

Language: Urdu

Pages: 360

Format: PDF and Pictures

This is a classical book on the topic of differences between Shia and Sunni Islam. Describing the opinions of both, it focuses primarily on the Nobility of Sahaba [raziallaho anhum]. The author is a former Shia scholar and Mujtahid, hence possessed a great deal of knowledge into Shia's primary texts. Hence it proves Sunni beliefs about Sahaba, using Quran, Sunnah and Shia texts.

Tuhfa Ithna Ash'ariya is one of the foundational books against the Shia beliefs by the famous India Muhaddith and scholar Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi son of Shah Waliullah. This book is translated in Urdu by Mawlana Khalil-ur-Rahman Nomani Mazahiri.

Arabic (العربية)

Mukhtasir Tuhfa Ithna Ashariya (Arabic), published by Hakikat Kitabevi

مختصر (التحفة الاثني عشرية)

هذا الكتاب (مختصر التحفة اثنى عشرية)، مختصر كتاب (التحفة)، كتبه العالم الهندي عبد العزيز الدهلوي باللغة الفارسية. و طبعت نسخته الموجودة في مكتبة جامعة استانبول من قبل مكتبتنا بالاوفست. و يشرح المؤلف في هذا الكتاب الفرقة الضالة المسماة بالشيعة و الرافضة و كيفية ظهورها و فرقها و ما عملوا بالدين الاسلامي و المسلمين من الاضرار و الاعتقادات التي تبين وجهها الحقيقي. و اعدّ هذا الكتاب (المختصر) العلامة محمود شكري الآلوسي و هو من علماء بغداد باللغة العربية.

Urdu (اردو)

تحفہ اثنا عشریہ از حضرت شاہ عبدالعزیز محدث دہلوی

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Tamil Biography of Ala Hazrath Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi, the proclaimed Mujaddid of the 14th century and a renowned scholar and poet of India.

Tazkirat al-Aulia (or Tazkirah Al-Waliya, Arabic: تذکرة الاولياء)

Author: Hadhrat Fariduddin Attar



Tadhkiratu 'l-awliya at the Open Library - Download PDF Volume 1, Volume 2

Muslim Saints and Mystics

Translated by: A. J. Arberry

Download from the attachments below (abridged version).



تذکره الاولیاء - عطار

Download abridged version from the attachments below.

Read online at Scribd


The Arabic book al-Muataqad al-Muntaqad written by Allama Razl-ur-Rasool Qadri Badayuni, with its commentary called al-Mustanad al-Muatamad by Imam Ahmed Raza Qadri Barelvi.


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